My parents split up when i was in about the 2nd grade. I love them both very much and they have both remarried and have boy each. I have 3 siblings and enjoy them all!:) Allison has just turned 12 and she has helped me soo much this summer. We may not act like we are close because i am always teasing her, I love her VERY much:) My other two brothers are Tanner, and Achillies. Tanner is 4 going on 8, and Achillies is 2. Although there is such a huge difference between me and them I still spend as much time as I possibly can with them!
Above is my step-mom, dad, Allison, me, and tanner this past Christmas.
Even thought this is more than two years old, this is about the only picture i could find mof my mom.
This is my step-dad, mom, Allison, me, and Achilles at 2 days old. I sure do with he was still htat old!
Well i guess thats enough about me for one post.
Until next time! This is My NewLife♥
to be continued......
Cute blog! I am now a follower! :)